Living Heritage: Our values, beliefs and ways of life shape our sense of identity, belonging and place, connecting past, present and future.

National Award

Kristin Catherwood |

As Heritage Saskatchewan celebrates the exceptional work happening across the province in heritage, we have in turn been recognized nationally. We are a recipient of the 2019 Governors’ Awards through The National Trust for Canada, for its work on the development of the Saskatchewan Index of Wellbeing, connecting heritage and wellbeing. CEO Ingrid Cazakoff has accepted the award on October 18th, 2019 at the National Trust’s Awards ceremony in Winnipeg. This honour comes as Heritage Saskatchewan celebrates its 10th anniversary as a non-profit organization advocating for heritage in the province.

Learn more about the Saskatchewan Index of Wellbeing, and access the full report here.

Seen here with our Award from the National Trust of Canada, recieved October 2019, from Left - Right: 
Alicia Buckley (HS Board President), Ingrid Cazakoff (HS CEO), Glenn Sutter (
National Trust Saskatchewan Councillor), Wendy Fitch (HS Board Past President), Tomasin Playford (HS Vice President)

Shown here are delegates from Saskatchewan, who attended the National Trust of Canada conference in Winnipeg October 2019

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