Heritage organizations and useful links
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has created The Community Information Database (CID), an easy-to-use, free, on-line tool which provides a detailed statistical overview of Canadian communities.
Heritage Resources Branch of Saskatchewan's Ministry of Parks Culture and Sport (PCS) - Heritage Conservation and Commemoration. The Branch keeps a resources and publications page you can access.
Saskatchewan Archives Board - History of Saskatchewan Magazine.
The Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan serves as the provincial agency responsible for acquiring preserving and making available records of significance to the history of the Province of Saskatchewan.
The Saskatchewan Government website and the Telephone Directory.
The Saskatchewan Municipal Directory is located at the Municipal Relations Branch. The Directory lists the names of officials, addresses and phone numbers for municipalities. Text Search - find a municipality from drop down lists or by typing in a name; Advanced Search - create customized address, phone or other lists.
SaskCulture provides funding for arts, heritage and cultural organizations in Saskatchewan as well as providing a network for arts, hertiage and culture organizations in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Heritage Foundation provides funding for heritage places through their Built Heritage Grant.
The National Trust for Canada is a national charity organization that provides educational and outreach resources, opertunities and expertise to heritage places across Canada. They also organize a national heritage conference every year. Heritage is Living is a program run by the National Trust for Canada and guided by partners, including Heritage Saskatchewan. Heritage is Living is a platform for the heritage sector to articulate and demonstrate our values.
If you are interested in filming at a heritage site or are a heritage place open to being used as a film location Creative Saskatchewan has resources on their website for location scouts and locations.