Relationship Building and Reconciliation through Living Heritage

In January 2023, a year-long pilot program called “Relationship Building and Reconciliation through Living Heritage” commenced with funding through the Community Initiatives Fund. This pilot was developed in partnership by Heritage Saskatchewan with the Humboldt and District Museum and Gallery Office, the Office of the Treaty Commissioner (OTC) and Aboriginal Friendship Centres of Saskatchewan (AFCS). It is grounded in the local context of the Humboldt region using living heritage as an avenue to discuss heritage and reconciliation with a goal of building relationships.
Inspired by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada’s Calls to Action and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) this four-part cyclical process is the result of conversations and feedback from communities who need help implementing calls from the TRC and UNDRIP in meaningful ways. The project was guided by an panel of Advisors who lent their expertise to the four-part cycle.
At this time the project is in a period of planning and discussion before we move into a new phase. Reconciliation work will continue in Humboldt.