
Congratulations to the winners of the 2014 Young Citizens programs

Nov 4, 2014

Canada's History is pleased to announce that 22 winners have been selected to travel to Ottawa for a special Youth Forum. Two winners were selected from each province and territory. Our Saskatchewan winners are Ella Forrest (for her project My Oma’s Story) and Dylan Donald (for his project Chuckwagon Racing), both of St. Marguerite Bourgeoys School in Regina. The winners will be arriving in Ottawa on Thursday, October 30 and will spend three days exploring the capital region together. Thank you to all who took the time to vote for the students involved in this year’s Young Citizens contest and we look forward to the upcoming year. About Heritage Fairs Heritage Fairs began as a pilot community project in Winnipeg in 1993 and have today grown to involve over 110,000 students each year in schools-based and regional exhibitions in more than 100 communities across Canada. Wholly driven by a network of volunteer teachers and community history organizations, the program benefits from funding support from Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life, partner in the Young Citizen’s video component.