Living Heritage: Our values, beliefs and ways of life shape our sense of identity, belonging and place, connecting past, present and future.

Physical Heritage

This category is for photographs that depict any of Saskatchewan's historic places, which contribute in an important way to the understanding of the history of a place, event or people. This concept is about habitation throughout time and the influence of the past on the meaning of today: natural inheritance, traces of past lives and livelihoods, stories, and human practices and ritual.

Examples of eligible phyiscal heritage photographs

Archaeological Site: An area in which remnants of past habitation are visible above ground, on the surface of the ground, or unseen below ground. These areas can be individual sites or a component of a broader collection of historic places, such as an identified cultural landscape with an archeological site present.

Building: Structure which, through its form, materials, assemblies and setting, can express cultural, regional, local or individual uses or construction practices at a single point in time or over the course of time.

Cultural Landscape: Geographic area which, as a result of human interaction with the environment, exhibits characteristics of modification or influence, or represents the values of a society and has been given special cultural meaning. Cultural landscapes include areas which are:

  • Designed – such as gardens, cemeteries, planned communities or districts, transportation corridors, and any place that reveals purposeful design intent.
  • Organically evolved – connected to traditional use and occupation, such as farmsteads, hunting grounds, streetscapes, etc. These areas can be relict, where the original use has ceased and is no longer discernable or continuing, where activities still take place and changes over time have remained compatible with the original use.
  • Associative – land which provides the setting for a built feature(s) or the enactment of an historic event, or from which inspiration and expression have been or currently are taken.

Engineering Work: Industrial, civil and military constructions including buildings, landforms, bridges, waterworks, machinery, ships and storage compartments.

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